Monday, April 2, 2012

Earl - Artist Spotlight of the Week

Well, it looks like I'm on Artist Spotlight of the Week on American Veteran's Radio. I truly appreciate the station for putting the spot light on me and my songs, but more importantly for what they do for Veterans everywhere. I truly appreciate everything everyone has done to help. The best part of everything is the love. I've met a lot of great people along this road.   

Just click the American Veteran's Radio logo link and click on Artist Spotlight. Thanks to everyone for all your help.

"Man on the Mountain" and "Run Johnny Run" will be played on the station as well. These are recordings done by my friends, Doug and Lisa, owners of  Rockit Juice Audio Recording Studio here in Huntsville. The songs "To My Brother Private William Jones" and "Her lap was made for Lovin" were recorded at Jay's Place in Nashville. Thanks for the great work done by everyone.

Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps - but just keep walking. Life is always like a surprise package. You never really know what you're going to get if you're brave and go for it, but you know damn well what you've got if you don't. In my own case, I've probably been moved more by desperation than inspiration. Even failure is a surprise, at least you learned what "not to do". I love surprises way too much to stop trying. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Try to do one thing you're afraid to do every day". If you never fly higher than you've flown, you will never know how high you can fly. For myself, either way it goes, it's all just great fun. As my good friend and one of my favorite people Cristina Lynn always says, "It's all Good". 

If you spend even a little time around this song writing business you have to realize if you do get even a little recognition it's a lot like living through the war. It's not because your smarter or better, but because you did your best, and just got damn lucky. I got a little lucky today. 

Thanks for allowing me to share it with you.


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