Tuesday, October 16, 2012

These Two Old Men Are At It Again!

This is going out to people I have worked with, taught in school, old classmates, church friends, etc. I have not seen or talked with some of you in years. However, I wanted to let you know about a BIG EVENT. We
recently had the World Premier of the Diarrhea Blues video (starring Earl Watts) at Coffee Tree Books & Brew in Huntsville, Alabama, and the video received a standing ovation. After this successful premier, I am proud to announce that the video is now on Youtube; I just uploaded it today.

Therefore, you can now see this outstanding video on Youtube as well as here. It has only been out there about an hour or so; you could be the first to see it on Youtube and leave comments!

Watch this outstanding video, and if you have friends who you think might like this g-rated, humorous video, please tell them about it. Send them the YouTube link or the link to this blog!


Friday, August 24, 2012

Tonight! Grand Ole Opry Performers

I don't know if all y'all (all y'all is the plural of y'all) are country music fans, but if you are, we've got a show for you. We have some Nashville/Grand Ole Opry performers coming to Huntsville to perform at the 

Coffee Tree Books & Brew - Friday, August 24th - 7:00 to 9:00 PM.

Earl Watts and I (Two Old Men & Some Songs) will be the opening act. We'll probably play for about 20-30 minutes. Earl will probably do his award-winning song, "More Than A Name on the Wall" and his funny parody song, "Whisky River". I will be doing my BIG Hit, "Diarrhea Blues". 

****By the way, we plan on doing the WORLD PREMIERE of the just completed Diarrhea Blues Video at the Coffee Tree in about two weeks. Then we will put it on Youtube. This is a G-rated song/video that is suitable for adults and children; it just pokes a little good, clean fun at a problem that affects us all at one time or another.****

Kayton Roberts, who played in Hank Snow's band for 30 years, and is being inducted into the Steel Guitar Players Hall of Fame next month. 

Louie Roberts,  had a BAD back problem, and may not make the trip, but Kayton says if his medicine works well, he may still make the trip. Louie is a great singer who has played and sung on the Grand Ole Opry, Porter Wagoner Show, Marty Robbins Show, and traveled with Eddy Arnold. We'll just wait and see!

Rob McNurlin, another excellent singer, who had his own TV show in West Virginia, and has been playing with Marty Stewart, will be here to perform.

Roger Carroll, who played bass in Hank Snow's band for 20 years, has been added to the show. With Kayton's steel guitar, and Roger's bass, we will be hearing some real country music, the way they played it on the Grand Ole Opry.

I don't know where else you can get this kind of entertainment with a FREE admission. However, we do hope the attendees will throw some tip money in the bucket.

Jerry Mungle

Thursday, May 31, 2012

www.nbrn.fm from Madison, Tenn, USA

Hey Everybody! I'm in Germany now. What does it all mean?? Practically nothing, but it's fun anyway. LOL! 

the Hermann Lammers Meyer Shows ( 144)
from Madison,Tenn.USA
May 24, 2012
1o am (CST)USA
17 Uhr Frankfurt Time / 4 pm London Time
artist .......song .........label
Hermann Lammers Meyer ... Town & Country Theme ... Desert Kid
Jerry K Green ... Wherever In Texas... JK Records
Guy Clark ... The Guitar... Dualtone
Commander Cody ... Tennessee Plates ... Blind Pig
Tom T. Hall ... A Hero In Harlan ... Dixie Hall
George Highfill ... Oklahoma` s Home To Me ... Comstock
Conway Twitty ... Til The Pain Outwears The Shame...MCA
Deanna Cartea ... One More Time... Twinvision@aol.com
Pat Garrett ... Suck It In... pattgarrett.com
Dean Wolf... Cowboy .. info@dean-wolf.de Mark Merritt
Chip Taylor & Carrie Rodriguez ..Dirty Little Texas Story.. Train Wreck
Hermann Lammers Meyer.. I Just Can't Let You Say Goodbye..Desert Kid
Rebecca Pronski.. Hard Times CD View Finder.. Rob Ellen / Medicine Music
Earl D Watts .. To My Brother Private William Jones .. Earl D Watts
Joe Cassady ... We All Tour With Elvis ... Avenue A Records info@joecassady.com
Jann Browne... My Shoes Keep Walkin Back To You... Curb
The New Riders Of The Purple Sage... 17 Pine Avenue .. Woodstock Records, thanks Buddy Cage .. steel NEW
Tony Booth .. The Key s In The Mailbox.. Heart Of Texas Records
the end
Town & Country Radio
Drosselweg 15
26871 Aschendorf Germany
You would like to request a song ?
sure ..........let us know


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

!!!Earl on Australian Radio!!!

I'm going to be on a radio show in Austrailia with Merle Haggard and George Jones  WOW!!!!

Yea, I'm bragging again - Paul Jones was kind enough to recommend my song "To my Brother Private William Jones" aka "More than a name on the Wall" to a friend of his in Australia who has a radio show as well. 

I received the following e-mail from that station today. They are playing my song for their Anzac day which is like our Veterans Day.

It's on April 25th, but the time zones are very different so according to mine and Paul's calculations, it will be on at 2:30 AM our time, on the Australian station. The station can be picked up on the computer at www.todayscountry 94one.com.au. He said he will send me a copy of the Anzac day special. This is really exciting.

Australia on the same show with Old George Jones and Merle Haggard. You never know, some folks in Australia might think I'm somebody in this business.

Here's his e-mail
G'Day again Earl!!
Unfortunately the next few weeks are VERY busy for me.............so...........bear with me till May and I'll send you over some Aussie Music etc, and a copy of my Anzac Day Special with your track and a few other USA related ones.

Can't go past George Jones "50,000 names Carved In The Wall', and the Hags "Me & Crippled Soldiers" and "Deck of Cards" eh!!

Although Anzac Day is a remembrance & celebration of those horrific aftermaths Wars inflict upon us, other cultures also have suffered and I am sure deep down we all feel for these events in similar ways.

Be in touch,

Monday, April 2, 2012

Earl - Artist Spotlight of the Week

Well, it looks like I'm on Artist Spotlight of the Week on American Veteran's Radio. I truly appreciate the station for putting the spot light on me and my songs, but more importantly for what they do for Veterans everywhere. I truly appreciate everything everyone has done to help. The best part of everything is the love. I've met a lot of great people along this road.   

Just click the American Veteran's Radio logo link and click on Artist Spotlight. Thanks to everyone for all your help.

"Man on the Mountain" and "Run Johnny Run" will be played on the station as well. These are recordings done by my friends, Doug and Lisa, owners of  Rockit Juice Audio Recording Studio here in Huntsville. The songs "To My Brother Private William Jones" and "Her lap was made for Lovin" were recorded at Jay's Place in Nashville. Thanks for the great work done by everyone.

Baby steps, baby steps, baby steps - but just keep walking. Life is always like a surprise package. You never really know what you're going to get if you're brave and go for it, but you know damn well what you've got if you don't. In my own case, I've probably been moved more by desperation than inspiration. Even failure is a surprise, at least you learned what "not to do". I love surprises way too much to stop trying. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Try to do one thing you're afraid to do every day". If you never fly higher than you've flown, you will never know how high you can fly. For myself, either way it goes, it's all just great fun. As my good friend and one of my favorite people Cristina Lynn always says, "It's all Good". 

If you spend even a little time around this song writing business you have to realize if you do get even a little recognition it's a lot like living through the war. It's not because your smarter or better, but because you did your best, and just got damn lucky. I got a little lucky today. 

Thanks for allowing me to share it with you.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lastest news on the upcoming ceremony for Viet Nam Veterans

We're going to do a run through at the Memorial site on this Wednesday the 14th to get ready for the big one on the 29th. The event is being billed as a "Welcome Home Viet Nam Vets Ceremony". A General from Redstone Arsenal will to be there for a press conference at 1:00 this Wednesday. I don't know exactly what I'm going to be doing other than setting up my equipment for a test run. I'm supposed to get there at 12:00 on Wednesday.

I took CD's and a poster over to Paul Jones tonight. He will play "My Brother Willie Jones"  on his radio show in Lynchburg this Saturday and give a plug for the ceremony on the 29th. I feel sure I can get it played on WKUL in Cullman as they have played it before and we will get him to announce the ceremony as well. Berkeley Bob said he heard my song on 105.7 station out of Hartselle, Alabama,  over the last Military holiday, so I feel sure they will play it and give a plug for the ceremony as well. I'll take  a poster and CD to WDRM ask  them to announce the ceremony and play the song.

If  I sell CD's at the event, I plan to donate everything to help cover their expenses. I don't feel good taking money at a ceremony honoring those guys. However, I'll be more than happy to sell CD's to help them with expenses. Their going to be selling hats and pins and so on to help cover expenses as well.

I'm announcing this and putting posters out everywhere I can. I'd like to see so many show up it would cause a a traffic Jamb. Those guys didn't get much of a welcome home when their war was over and I want to help all I can to get all we can to come out; not to hear me, but to show we give a damn about what they did and what they went through. It's a good way to say "thank you for your service". I don't think a lot of people know how much that can mean to a Veteran. It makes you feel like maybe someone actually gives a damn about those nights you spent in wet freezing foxholes, or when you had to soak your socks off or watched one of your friends walk till they fall. I never shot at anything that could shoot back but we were infantry and it was the roughest thing I've ever been through before or since. I want everyone to tell as many people as you can about the event on the 29th. I want them to know somebody actually gives a damn. They weren't properly welcomed home the first time, I don't want to see it happen again.

Thursday, March 29 will be the first celebration of the new Vietnam Veteran's Day. There will be a dedication ceremony of a statue honoring our veterans. Please come and honor our Veterans of the Vietnam War. They gave so much for us. I am honored once again to sing my song, “To My Brother Private William Jones” during this ceremony. Please come out and join us at 2:00 pm. at the Veterans Park between Washington and Jefferson Streets off Monroe. Come out to support those who fought for us to keep America the land of the free.    

Monday, March 5, 2012

"To My Brother Private William Jones"

"To My Brother Private William Jones"© written and performed by Earl Watts.

Thursday, March 29 will be the first celebration of the new Vietnam Veteran's Day. There will be a dedication ceremony of a statue honoring our veterans. Please come and honor our Veterans of the Vietnam War. They gave so much for us. I am honored once again to sing my song, “To My Brother Private William Jones” during this ceremony. Please come out and join us at 2:00 pm. at the Veterans Park between Washington and Jefferson Streets off Monroe. Come out to support those who fought for us to keep America the land of the free.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Proclamation

Mayor Battle signed a Proclamation that March 29th each year is Vietnam Veterans Day. What a wonderful thing for these wonderful soldiers to finally get some recognition. I was honored by singing my song, "To My Brother Private William Jones". It was very moving ceremony for the veteran and civilians who came to honor them. I was honored to be a part of this.

Vet Center Service Bus

Me waiting and contemplating the event. It was a very moving and humbling experience.

Mayor Battle

Thursday, March 29 will be the first celebration of the new Vietnam Veteran's Day. There will be a dedication ceremony of a statue honoring our veterans. Please come and honor our Veterans of the Vietnam War. They gave so much for us. I am honored once again to sing my song, “To My Brother Private William Jones” during this ceremony. Please come out and join us at 2:00 pm. at the Veterans Park between Washington and Jefferson Streets off Monroe. Come out to support those who fought for us to keep America the land of the free!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy Freaking New Year

Ponderings by Swampfox AKA Earl

It's New Year's morning and all through the house.
Everyone's sleepy, hung-over, or soused
Granddaughter Jasmyn came home from a friends
And said "you all are depressing me to no end".

Nothings open so there's little to do.
I'll be glad for tomorrow when it's all in the past,
I suppose the holidays are good for some folks
But I'm just glad they don't last.

Polly and I joined a health club up the road
I'm hoping the membership helps
Because we probably won't go
Our will is weak and our bodies are old.

My hearing's worse on the right side
And hers is worse on the left,
But when I'm driving
That is a big help.

Still I'm propelled forward
To new fields to plow.
And I just keep on hoping
For more somehow

But I sit hear in wonder
More ragged and worn
And I know even less
Than the day I was born.

Happy Freaking New Year Everyone!